PinnedThe Freedom of Pac ManPac-Man was unleashed on the world when I was 8 years old. I, in turn, was unleashed on Pac-Man a few years later when I discovered him…Nov 20, 20201Nov 20, 20201
SmartBots: Expert systems, rebornHow RAG is giving expert systems another shot at successNov 24, 2024Nov 24, 2024
Designing Artificial Organizations“Multi-agent collaboration” represents an interesting new wave of developments in Large Language Models and their applications. The vision…May 26, 20241May 26, 20241
Not until we go Markov(The question to which the title is an answer, dear reader, is buried at the end of this essay….you will have to read on. And skipping…Feb 17, 2024Feb 17, 2024
Wanted: a definition of Human Centric OrganizingOrganizations fulfil two quite distinct roles in our civilization. First, they are social technologies for collectively attaining what is…Sep 10, 2023Sep 10, 2023
(Three) Theological Questions for the Age of AlgorithmsThe vertigo I experience from the rapid pace with which digital algorithms are changing our world, is often matched by my bewilderment at…May 24, 20231May 24, 20231
Algorithm-supported self-expressionI write haiku for fun, though I’m not very good at it. It’s really a form of journaling- a private retelling of interesting experiences to…Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
Three lessons in learning from learning machinesWe neither enter nor exit the world with omniscience, but in the intervening time, learn enough about it to survive and perhaps even to…Aug 31, 2022Aug 31, 2022
The pursuit of happiness as a forecasting problemSo many have written so much for so long about the pursuit of happiness, without, it seems, having solved the problem definitively. This…Aug 18, 2022Aug 18, 2022